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Aaron Wilkinson
Né àNew Jersey
29 years
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L'arbre Généalogique
dragan's dad
Treasured memories like a golden chain Link us until we meet again with our children.
dragan's dad
The living owe it to those who no longer can speak to tell their story for them.” ― Czesław Miłosz -
dragan's dad
A candle for remembering you. For our Creator leaves us memories to hold & love that doesn't pass away.
dragan's dad
I'm lighting this candle in your memory.Wishing your loved ones a gentle,peaceful & blessed weekend!
dragan's dad
A wound heals but the scar remains.Scars are just a treasure map for pain you've buried too deep to remember. J. Picoult
dragan's dad
This candle shines in honor of a precious life & one time remembered.No words can make it better.
Mommy Cont.
Please put us all in your arms and keep us safe
Mommy I love n miss you
Hey Aaron know you know what is going on. Not dealing with everything like I should. I wish you were here.. I love n U
dragan's dad
Lighted candle, is a letter from heart written to heaven.
dragan's dad
Let us Welcome The New Year, Give the happy adieu to the Old, Start the new Beginning without fear, And cherish the Memories we hold!
dragan's dad
Love has no age, no limit, and no death. ~ John Galsworthy ~
dragan's dad
Wishing you and yours a Christmas filled with hope, peace and love. Merry Christmas.
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